It is really outstanding, your blog! I did not even want to leave the web page because everything is arranged so perfectly well and the content is so interesting that it attracts everyone’s attention. Thank you very much for such a great pleasure and interest! I’ve already made your blog a part of my favorite links and will visit it many more times.
En Ourense, non podían agasallar con a Botella de ALBARIÑO , os libreiros como en Coruña, Vigo, Padrón ,Santiago. O mellor pensan que solo bebemos RIBEIRO, pero tampouco se decidiron a ofrecelo...o de sempre Unha Rosa¡ O día do Libro debe cambiar algo Libreiros Ourensans. Un lector.
2 comentarios:
It is really outstanding, your blog! I did not even want to leave the web page because everything is arranged so perfectly well and the content is so interesting that it attracts everyone’s attention. Thank you very much for such a great pleasure and interest! I’ve already made your blog a part of my favorite links and will visit it many more times.
En Ourense, non podían agasallar con a Botella de ALBARIÑO , os libreiros como en Coruña, Vigo, Padrón ,Santiago.
O mellor pensan que solo bebemos RIBEIRO, pero tampouco se decidiron
a ofrecelo...o de sempre Unha Rosa¡
O día do Libro debe cambiar algo Libreiros Ourensans.
Un lector.
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